Sunday, May 17, 2020

Unmasking, The Meaning Of...

These days we are hearing reference to the term 'unmasking'! Just what does 'unmasking' mean, and why is it important to know why it is being used in conversations surrounding "Obamagate" by the Trump administration? We are going to divulge the reference to the 'unmasking' and what part it plays in the realm of intelligence gathering.

First: Unmasking, as a term is used by our intelligence agencies in the conducting of extraordinary scrutiny of individual(s) in conversations with others where there is reason to know the identity of said individual(s) in that conversation. Initially, these conversations are scanned without regard to content until keywords, calling patterns, or phrases are uttered. "Officials make thousands of unmasking requests every year. The routine process is used to identify potential terrorists and spies, as well as to warn Americans or U.S. companies who might be targeted by hostile governments. Sometimes, an intelligence agency has not intercepted a U.S. person’s communications but has overheard a foreign government talking about that person. In that case, the person’s name is also “masked.” As noted here, there are any number of reasons why unmasking may occur.

Second: Let's understand that the 'unmasking' of an individual(s) is never done for political reasons… period! The process involves disclosure to a significant number of persons authorized to review the request for 'unmasking' prior to consideration to grant the request to 'unmask' an incident of interest! At any point in the process to gain authorization to 'unmask' an incident any official in the chain-in-of-authorization can deny the request.

The 'unmasking' of a conversation between then 'designated' National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Kislyak triggered the request for the 'unmasking' of the individual making several calls to Ambassador Kislyak. Communications between Russian entities and others is routinely monitored; that NSA-designate Flynn wasn't aware of this boggles the mind! It should be noted that at the time of his selection to head the Office of National Security Adviser for Donald Trump, Michael Flynn was in contact with individuals associated with Vladimir Putin, making appearances for RT, a Russian news outlet, and working closely with Erdogan, the dictator of Turkey. 

Before retiring, Michael Flynn was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and as such, was responsible coordinating the results of the sixteen Intel agencies used by the United States government. It is believed by most that Flynn's inability to conform to standards resulted in his dismissal from that prestigious position two short years after his promotion to head of the DIA.

In summary, without a doubt, the unmasking of retired Lt. General Flynn in the ongoing scrutiny of person(s) having numerous forms of contact with Russian persons-of-interest is still a point of contention between the Trump and Obama administrations. The abrupt ouster of thirty-five Russians from a compound near the Aberdeen Proving grounds in Maryland initiated a chain of events that ultimately led to the investigation of Flynn.

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